For the aspiring Buddhist:
What is the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering? It is the remainder-less fading and cessation of that same craving: the rejecting, relinquishing, leaving and renouncing of it. But whereon is this craving abandoned and made to cease? Wherever there is what seems lovable and gratifying, thereon it is abandoned and made to cease.
There is this Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering: such was the vision, insight, wisdom, knowing and light that arose in me about things not heard before. This Noble Truth must be penetrated to by realizing the Cessation of Suffering...This Noble Truth has been penetrated to by realizing the Cessation of Suffering: such was the vision, insight, wisdom, knowing and light that arose in me about things not heard before.
(Samyutta Nikaya LVI, 11)
The Third Noble Truth with it's three aspects is: 'There is the cessation of suffering, or dukkha. The cessation of dukkha should be realized. The cessation of dukkha has been realized.'
The whole aim of Buddhist teachings is to develop the reflective mind in order to let go of delusions. The 'Four Noble Truths' is a teaching about letting go by investigating or looking into - contemplating: 'Why is it like this? Why is it this way?'
Snow Warrior
11 years ago