You know, I swear I need to get this page of my blog back to the original intent of tracking my daily thoughts, activities, etc., as my life unwinds...but maybe this particular post is doing just that. After all, this is on my mind today, and comes and goes in my mind, so out of my mind it comes today:
I pledge allegiance to the flag
(now this is a concept that I don't quite grasp, and honestly it has always spooked me - I find it quite bizarre to ally myself with a flag. While I am happy that I live in America, I have allegiance only to my family)
of the United States of America
(I am a frequent flyer of C-Span - Senate Proceedings, etc.,and the news in general - I surely don't see much 'unity' in America)
and to the Republic for which it stands
(ah, Republic as in Peoples Republic of China? - I thought we were a Democracy)
one nation under God
(the same God that is banned from public school, by chance? the same God that said not to ally oneself to an inanimate thing, image, article?)
(you've got to be joking! we are the most divided country going now other than Iraq)
with liberty
(and wire-tapping)
and justice
(and water-boarding)
for all
(except Wall Street, the Big Three, and Big Oil)
and for the real in-depth thought agent, if you are thinking ahead to a Checkmate! 'got 'cha' ...Beware! Not all is what it seems, and not all you see is what it is...if there is nothing, then there is nothing to attach to...think it over.
Snow Warrior
11 years ago
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