...obviously from my writing it is crystal clear that a hint of non-conformity to societal doctrines is present...a throwback to the 60's I am perhaps, and as CSNY framed it best, 'Carry On'...and I do. Like Wavy Gravy and Country Joe.
My spiritual roots are based in 'Eastern' philosophical loam...teachings of The Bhagavad Gita, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, and simply, Humanity, but I find at present the way of the Bodhisattva (Buddhism ), and Tao, or literally, 'the way', as the easiest concept for the unfamiliar, or novice 'God-seeker' to grasp ... as I don't have what I would consider a personal relationship with a "god' as of yet, although I have been my happiest in Krishna Consciousness, I find myself still getting angry at God (or the concept of 'him') ...I guess much the way he gets angry with me...so I call it a draw.
1.) This is not to say that I don't believe in Jesus...most likely I do, but only as a mortal teacher of 'Godly' ways....if I am to believe that Jesus is the son of God, then God raped and impregnated the Virgin Mary, and coveted Joseph's wife (there are some commandments being broken here...to the best of my Biblical knowledge, and I just cannot tolerate that canon). Fuzzy logic to me.
So, in my feeble mind, it follows that such great teacher's as below are all 'God' incarnate, or walked this walk after being deposited here by an alien space race ~ or could this concept be that we (us, the human race) simply need to assign something 'tangible' to the god concept to hold onto to assure us that this life is not in futile vain, and that there is a force 'out there' that loves us:
a) Buddha - mortal man...the 'enlightended one' concept, and first teacher of disassociation to attachment and doing 'un' to others ~ lead by example
b) Lao Tzu- mortal monk and one of many teachers of the way (Tao) ~ basis behind Buddhism, Hinduism, and even Plato...harmony achieved by total acceptance of change, or the evolution of life
c) Krishna - 'supreme being' incarnate concept, and acharya of disassociation with impurity and woes: also advisor to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra; consort was Radha
d) Chaitanya - 'Golden avatar' of Krishna; monk and teacher by example of devotion
e) Moses - a leader of people who reportedly obtained wisdom from a burning bush
f) Jesus - mortal man considered by some as son of god; teacher of good acts and peace activist (similar to Buddhism); same spiritual plane as Krishna
g) Mohamed - another spiritual guide, like Moses
h) Abraham - damned good with a knife and adept at following orders, but possibly a tad
schizophrenic - 'Son of Sam' heard voices too
i) Sitting Bull - a great warrior and leader of people; a tad bit smarter than Custer, but out-numbered by thieving drunkards...but like Abraham, damned good with a knife; Black Elk was also an 'enlightened one'
j) Gandhi - like Krishna, Jesus, and Abby Hoffman, but with a touch of Thoreau tossed in for good measure
k) Martin Luther King Jr. - same, like Gandhi, Jesus and Abby wrapped into one spiritual burrito, if I may take license
l) Mother Teresa - same playing field as Gandhi (now purportedly to have doubted the existence of a living, loving God after seeing to the needs, suffering and sorrows of life as she had) .....
All of these personages have made their own way to reconcile their soul with 'God', or good karma...it is up to us to make our own way...and we can choose any of these exemplars to guide us, or find our own way as did they.
I think the point is made, and with hopes that my examples were not seen as too trite or offensive. The truth is that I hold onto belief in a higher power, and I believe that there is one, and only one, higher power, and I do not believe this 'being' discriminates love based upon the path the follower is taking on his/her way back homeward. After all, what is in a name?
2.) Point number two leads me back to point one - if Genesis is correct, then the first people on earth were Adam and Eve...they had two sons, Abel and Cain....now my question is a simple one. If two sons were born, and no mention of a daughter was made, then how did the human race propagate? I see many ways to take this plunge, but I'll leave it to the scholars to debunk since it seems a 'touchy' subject.
3.) I sense that I have placed myself in the auspicious company of Salman Rushdie for speaking my form of 'blasphemy'....what is important to note is, is that I am a believer - I believe in a higher 'source' or 'existence', it is merely that I view it in an atypical way....I believe that our outcome is in our own hands....not written on a scroll, or in a book. Heresy is another non-secular principle thrown about with wreck less abandon in an otherwise secular, or agnostic world.
But no, I am not atheist...far, far from it (any yes, I know I should not start a sentence with a conjunction, e.g., 'but')....and most probably I am far from being agnostic, and on and on ad infinitum...it's that I just have 'different' beliefs on Godhead, and the meaning of 'God'. (Read on to 4 & 5 and perhaps see why I choose to differ my viewpoints.)
4.). God has a warped since of humor. He instructed Abraham (i.e., Abe heard a voice in his head) to take his son Isaac to the mountain top to shorten Isaac's height by a head or so. At the last minute [HE] said 'whoa! it was just a joke man...just a test to see if you loved me more than you loved your son', 'but you gotta' admit Abe, it was a helluva hilarious stunt'.
5.) God so loved the world that he gave his #1 for the sins of mankind. So, God loves me, but I have been taught all of my life of a need to fear God? Let's frame this right, he loves me, but I'd better not piss him off or to hell for eternity I go? hmm? now there's unique concept.
6.) Well, I haven't decided on 6 yet, but here is what I'll add at this point. I tend to believe in the thought that our destiny is in our own hands. It's not written in some mythological book like Harry Potter....we all have 'God Soul' inside of us...just as we all have 'Satan Soul' inside of us...it is up to us to choose our path...good/bad, yin/yang/, anima/animus, light/dark, ...the fork in the proverbial road - the karma of action, the karma of result.
Me, I choose not to come back to this putrid, corrupt and evil earth...I choose to go on to be with the enlightened ones on another spiritual plane. Enough! It's late, I'm drained, and I'm not making my case very well, so I'll recess court for now.
Snow Warrior
11 years ago
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