Okay, this will be a divergence from the normal, but if you'll note, I really have no established norm, other than non-conformance...so I guess this piece with fit like a hand into a glove. I will be short and to the point with this.
It's time to quit fuck farting around and fucking about with the bogus war on drugs...it's high time (now 'High Times', how about that as a pun) to legalize marijuana and put some profit back into the government coffers at the same time. This is, after all, according to the book of Genesis, a seed bearing plant that God placed here for us to make use of (Genesis...the first book in the Holy Bible, on which I would be required to swear to tell the truth if I were arrested for possession of marijuana)
That's right, decriminalization just as an exact duplication of the end of Prohibition in the early 30's...during prohibition the only people who profited were the criminals (e.g., Al Capone, for one).....the Kennedy family made their fortune, and many were poisoned by tainted and impure alcohol (drug). It's the same way currently with marijuana. When the government figured a way to tax alcohol, then low and be by god fucking behold, it became legal...it was no longer a poison...overnight folks! Just like that! So it would seem to follow that marijuana would present a perfect parallel comparison.
But now, with a economic downturn, the likes of which have not be seen since the early 30's, and waging an asinine non-existent war on drugs in Columbia (my ass) - we spend money for nothing, and bring nothing back in return. We should not be surprised that in the age of Haliburton, lobbyist's, cronyism, and big business, that our government would spend billions of dollars to pad the pockets of large money contractors who pumped high amounts of capital into the election and political future of the candidate of there benefit.....er, I meant choice. Scratch mine, I'll scratch yours....it's really that simple folks....no quantum physics involved here....just corruption and greed.
Absolutely there are ways to calculate taxable and regulated grades of marijuana (just as with alcohol)...provided this is government grown, high-quality weed, free of pesticides and other chemicals.
Let's think about what could conceivably be the reason(s) for not de-criminalizing? Let's get well beyond the fact that the reason might be given that the government cares for the health and well-being of the children.....if that were the case, then why the fuck are our kids being sacrificed in dumb-ass wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Could it be cutting into the profit of alcohol manufacturer's (since a good deal of people would prefer a good smoke over a drunken stupor and subsequent hangover)....not to say that a beer or two would not set well after the smoke...so it wouldn't be a total loss to big alcohol.
Could it be that the by-product hemp...now that has long stuck in the craw of cotton growers because hemp fabric is much more durable than cotton, and would be much more abundant than cotton if marijuana were legalized.
Okay, so we've covered two....so what else?
Could it be that big pharmaceutical objects based on the grounds that marijuana is proven to be much more beneficial in certain cases such as easing of nausea and pain in cancer cases, and other chronic diseases and illnesses....helping glaucoma patients to see, for example, alternative treatment of stress and depression for another, verses highly toxic and costly psychotropic drugs, which we have no idea of the effectiveness or long term side effects...so could it be that we have found yet a third reason to resist?
Snow Warrior
11 years ago
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