Thursday, January 29, 2009

A fragment of true sorrow

Hey look, as harsh as I might have been to you, I truly feel sorry for you and your family. The heart ache shows. But what I wonder, and what set me off then, and now, when you live you life of corrupt opulence, did you once think of the jobless, of those who where doing without, of those who were suffering. Did you do so on a Friday night Cocktail Party, or a Saturday Night Ball? Did you think about the kids on the South Side - the homeless - Christmas for the kids - the kids in the hospitals. No, I figure not. I figure Champagne, Brie, Caviar, and Mignon took precedent. That's what pisses me off Rob. That's what turns my sorrow and pity for you and yours to pure spite and a feeling of 'you got what was coming to you pal'.
(New York Times Photo)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Blagojevich - Fresh White Meat

Rather than spend tax payers (my) money to appeal this jack-off's case in court, America, why nor for once let's get it done right. Let's apply good 'old-fashioned' democracy and put this to a vote among the people. If he wins, he stays, if he loses, he goes....and, with some of the money saved for court costs we could surely afford a haircut to knock down those silly-ass'ed, pre-Bee Gee dated, disco date-rape stalker looking bangs he sports.....the ones that the guy always wearing the cod-piece, or rolled up ball of socks wore. The dude is one strange agent for certain.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I Pledge Allegiance

You know, I swear I need to get this page of my blog back to the original intent of tracking my daily thoughts, activities, etc., as my life unwinds...but maybe this particular post is doing just that. After all, this is on my mind today, and comes and goes in my mind, so out of my mind it comes today:

I pledge allegiance to the flag
(now this is a concept that I don't quite grasp, and honestly it has always spooked me - I find it quite bizarre to ally myself with a flag. While I am happy that I live in America, I have allegiance only to my family)
of the United States of America
(I am a frequent flyer of C-Span - Senate Proceedings, etc.,and the news in general - I surely don't see much 'unity' in America)
and to the Republic for which it stands
(ah, Republic as in Peoples Republic of China? - I thought we were a Democracy)
one nation under God
(the same God that is banned from public school, by chance? the same God that said not to ally oneself to an inanimate thing, image, article?)
(you've got to be joking! we are the most divided country going now other than Iraq)
with liberty
(and wire-tapping)
and justice
(and water-boarding)
for all
(except Wall Street, the Big Three, and Big Oil)

and for the real in-depth thought agent, if you are thinking ahead to a Checkmate! 'got 'cha' ...Beware! Not all is what it seems, and not all you see is what it is...if there is nothing, then there is nothing to attach to...think it over.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Stimulate This!!!

$1000.00 'Stimulus Package' ah, jump-start the economy. Yeah, well let's just do the mathematics on this dandy, okay boys and girls.
Now, if you are fortunate enough to be unlike me (I am in the rears on taxes because of illness and the likes, so I don't see a damned dime of my 'stimulus'....never even get a whiff of goes from one office in Washington, across the hall to another office in Washington, and so the beauty of it is that it never leaves Washington)...but my problem, so I digress...

So, if you are 'similar' to me, are have a family of 4 ~ 5 mouths to feed and house...well, let's just break this fucker down, okay?

$400.00/month grocery bill
$80.00/gasoline (+/- depending on whatever excuse is in the pipeline for the given month)
$Electric Bill
$Water Bill
$Garbage Bill
$Tax (which caused me not to get my 'stimulator' in the first place)
$Beau coupe medical bills and high prescription drug costs
and on and on and on......and there goes your fuckin' $1000.00 'Stimulus Package'

Jump-start the economy! Yeah, Washington....Stimulate This! You bunch of fucking jokers!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Have You Seen This Man?

In a move to help bolster the failing economy, brought about by a fucked up corrupt administration who thank-god is on it's way out, a fucked up and bogus war, a corrupt and criminal bail-out of Wall Street and 'Big Banking', followed by yet another bail-out of 'Big-Banking', followed by a bail-out of 'Big-Oil', today released this composite drawing of D.B. Cooper. Cooper, as you may remember, was the name given the man who hijacked a Boeing 727 on Nov. 24, 1971. He parachuted from the plane with a $200,000 dollar ransom. It is believed that if this money could be recovered that 200 families could receive a stimulus package of $1000.00 each (or 1000 families could receive $200 each) to help 'jump-start' the economy.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Here Is What They Don't Want You To See

Haven't you ever wondered why? Can't say they didn't learn from past 'mistakes'