I have been accused of this, and maybe rightly so. You can be your own judge.
JFK....single bullet theory... this is absolutely unbelievable...and why are the files still not public domain? A 'Golden-Oldie'...enough said.
Iraq...you're intelligent enough...you figure that one out?
War on terror...bullshit! Code orange.
Bin Laden is too illusive to capture in those mountains. Yeah, and I can shape shift into a water buffalo! We have satellites that can lift the date off of a dime from hundreds of miles away....yeah, too illusive my ass! Did he ever exist?
Okay, where am I going with this?
I am to believe we landed man on the moon...uh, maybe...but there is well documented evidence to give rise to skepticism for me - you can research this one yourself and draw your own conclusions.
So now, we have landed man on the Moon, we have landed on Mars and have a rover roving about, we have satellites reaching the outermost realms of our galaxy....and we can't even cure the common cold? Come on man! I didn't flunk potato peeling 101.
So here is my belief, and it is a simple one that boils right down to the bottom line...economics and job security.
1.) If medical science were to provide cures for cancer, HIV, HCV, and all the other 'incurable diseases', then the profit margin of the drug companies would be severely comprised.
1a.) Doctors would find themselves losing caseloads (i.e., profit)
2.) If medical science cure these diseases, then what would remain to petition Congress for research dollars for...the sexual habits of the fruit fly is already taken...so there goes job security for the research scientists.
So in my diseased way of thinking....call me paranoid, I'm okay with that, but I've been around awhile too... I smell conspiracy between the medical community and drug research/drug companies...and toss in a goodly amount of insurance company corruption, and there you have it. Oh, you doubt me and would rather trust in 'Big Business'? Fine. The state of affairs we find our economy in is directly attributed to corruption in Corporate America...so trust the rotten bastards if you wish. I sure don't.
Call me mentally adrift, but if I am to believe that HIV was caused by man screwing a green monkey, while during Vietnam it was 'leaked' that a biological weapon had been developed that resembled the HIV virus in all manner of action/transmission...but it had to be 'tested' to determine it's efficacy....so now, hmm? What segment of society is most expendable...who would be least likely to be missed? Ah ha! We have our test group....queers!
Now, what about HepC.....hmm? Ah ha, lets target the dopers...the ignorant asses won't know what hit them anyway. Right!.
Also, what happened to the oil eating amoeba that was unleashed for containing (eating) oil spills from oil tankers...the amoeba that went out of control....man, the rug went over that one quick. Not a peep to be heard.
Hepatitis C...okay, my plague, a virus so small that it has to be detected under a microscope. It can replicate and ravage a body 20 ~ 30 years after the infection.....................ah, it's late and this is turning into a babble, which I didn't want it to do, so before I babble on....ah ha, there it is, Babylon, the Tower of 'Screw the Idolaters' with double-speak and bullshit! Got it!
Snow Warrior
11 years ago
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