Book TV, ah yes, a must see for see.
The following is a diversion from my intent for this page - my journal - however, this was on my mind, and now it's on this page. Hopefully, these detours will be few and far between.
Author of the book 'Betrayal' by Houston A. Baker Jr., an author of African descent, today made the comment that "the black intellectual in America has betrayed the Civil Rights Movement". I could not disagree more.
First, let's get this all out on the table and then move on. I acknowledge that we all harbor some degree of either latent, or overt, racism, hatred, or animosity towards others of different skin color and culture. Perhaps if we were all blind, but I digress to simply thinking that this is some grand design matter, or simply fear and ignorance. I will however, confess that my misgivings are minimal at its very my black Brother Is Said can attest...or, as my black sister-in-law and mixed-race niece and nephew can attest.
Back to Mr. Houston's assertion that intellectual blacks have ruined the Civil Rights Movement - I can rattle off a handful of intellectual blacks who come to mind straight off the top of my head that are not the exception to prove his rule, but rather, are the rule to prove the fallacy of his statement - Barrack Obama, the President Elect; General Colin Powell, Dr. Condoleeza Rice, Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, a renowned Astrophysicist and author of "Death by Black Hole"...and excellent mind and inspiration to me; Dr. Michael Eric Dyson); Congressman Charlie Rangel; the Rev. Al Sharpton - all black, and all of whom I believe most of society would deem 'intellectual'. All of whom have reached, or neared, the pinnacles in their respective arenas, and perhaps all with a little help and loving shove from the work and sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears throughout the 60's, and onward, from the Civil Rights Movement. This, if true, would certainly beg to differ Mr. Houston's proposal.
Actually, I am rather puzzled that Mr. Houston would make such an easily dis-proven claim (other than perhaps to further the sales of his book, which would then entail a certain degree of intellect on his part to make such a maneuver). Why else make this claim when it evidently can be so easily proven inaccurate? Could it be to further propagate a racial divide that has been long in the process of healing, and had made great strides in that direction. Could it simply be that certain intellectual blacks have monetary motives for keeping the issue alive...such as Mr. Houston and his book...Dr. Dyson, and his subtle, or not quite so, militant throwback ideologies...Rev's. Sharpton and Jesse Jackson...their stars burned out long ago....keeping the stew stirred for them only serves to keep them relevant.
The point that I am attempting to make, is that if we are even to begin to get beyond our differences, we need to put aside our fears and hatred of one another, and stop pointing the blame finger that has been pointing for some 200+ years now.
This finger of blame points in many directions. For example, there quite possibly are many blacks who do not understand that it was not only white man who profited from slave trading, but African tribesmen would frequently sell captive enemy tribesmen to white traders....Native Americans were traded to Africa tribes, etc., etc., and so it is long past time to put aside talks of segregation, reparation, African nation and alienation...we are all guilty people, and we are all one nation...under God. We are all one world under God. I cannot, and will not, be held accountable for the actions of my ancestors.
Back to Mr. Houston...the fact that there are becoming more and more prominent black wealthy intellectuals in this country tells me that the Civil Rights Movement is alive and well, and has functioned at least in part as planned.
So I guess my overall point is that you are what you make of yourself (in the presence or absence of Movements, Committees and Associations). Granted, there are some that are born into situations that lend opportunity and chance....but the vast majority of us are not (including myself)...and I am equally aware that geographical boundaries play an important role in modeling us as well.
Turn the Page:
Okay, here comes what I hope is the extent of my 'racism' and peeves, to take it one step further. Black America, don't single out Bill Cosby for being an 'Uncle Tom', as Dr. Dyson may ...rather, embrace his America take pride in yourselves as a race, and as Americans...for 'Christ-sake' young ones, pull up the pants (do you really think the designers of that line of clothing are black, and do you really think that they themselves wear that style of clothing?...c'mon, quit deluding are feeding the very man that you seemingly you think he gives you a thought as he sits in his penthouse apartment while dining on caviar, champagne, sugar sweet ladies and $50 cigars? - All the while you are in the street trying to survive?) ...and one other pet peeve...please speak with clarity...quit the coded jive bullshit talk...that act shows a bias in and of itself, and an immature ignorance to boot...and the bustin' caps and selling dope...a lot of the negativity is self-imposed you know (to borrow a line from the movie Forest Gump, "stupid is as stupid does").
Okay, so here is a little bit more of my racial biasing...I hope. However, if you care to read on, you will see that I am an equal opportunity bigot.
Let's look at it this was - If I rob a bank, then I am a bank robber....agreed? If I murder, then I am a murderer...this we all understand. Okay, so to take it one further - If you portray 'da hood', then you are 'da hood', and the rest of society will definitely avoid you at all costs and in all ventures, and 'da hood' receives the notoriety that you are bringing down on it. Is that how you choose to excercise your Civil Rights? A vicious circle.
Further, to the white man, if you act as white trash, then you are white simply is what it is, and it comes down to a matter of pride in yourself. If you portray the 'Goth', then you bring about the circus side-show freak 'ism' that is cast upon you. We have experienced Columbine and wish no more, so be on notice that the world does not care for the look or thought process. And, if you are a 'red-neck', rest assured it clearly shows - and here's your sign.
Let's all step back and do the math here. Let's put all of the bullshit ignorance, divisions, and hatred behind and move is after all, the 21st's time to get beyond cowboy mentality and war mongering, white hoods and burning crosses, drive-by shootings and pimping ho's fly booties g phat g phat/'get'r done', Rebel license plates, Blatz and belch, jig-a-boo and worse, Don Imus and his 'nappy headed ho's' all has to go if we are to make it as a a world!!!
Let's row the boat together people...all colors, all races, all cultures, with one common goal and sensibility. We need no Civil Rights Movement, or NAACP, NAAWP, NRA, CIA, FBI, etc., etc., to make that all comes down to and me!
Mr. Houston, I only wish I had the forum you were given...I only wish you could read me. You sir, are wrong....we are only what we make of ourselves, not what an organization makes of us...the fact that you have a published novel bears that out, as I would assume you credit yourself for that work, and not the Civil Rights Movement....but if I am wrong, then I need to ask how much of the proceeds of your book are going to support the movement?
Snow Warrior
11 years ago
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