‘I’…the most frequently used word in the English vocabulary, ‘no’….the most difficult word to say in the English vocabulary, and ‘you’….the most seldom intended word in the English vocabulary
George - You Taught Us Best When You Told Us That All Things Must Pass...Hare Krsna!
Prayer to the Guru - Gururbrahmaa gururvishnu gururdevo maheshwarah; Guru saakshaat param brahma tasmai shree gurave namah Hare Rama ~ My Sweet Lord...It took so long, but you are really seeing him now...Hari bol!!!
Two Holding On
(click image for profile) Indulge me by scrolling down the right margin to 'The Reason' - it helps to explain what's going on here.Thanks! PS: if you indulge me a bit more, on down along the right margin you will see a topic of 'Getting By With a Little Help'...that sums up 'The Reason'...but if you wish to digress, you can check out my other writings by clicking the poetry links directly below, or you can check out what else is going through my head by clicking on most any of the photo icons along the right-hand margin
To all who read me, you will find an eclectic mix of philosophy, spirituality, mildly erotic material, and occasional strong, unfiltered words. Therefore, all eyes here should be of legal age, or of an open mind to the content contained herein. As a staunch proponent of the 1st Ammendment, I cannot be the morality police. This is all offered up from an imperfect soul who is simply conveying the complexities of living an imperfect life in an imperfect world - while searching for the reason and rhyme, and his way back homeward – tormented by the fork found in the road, the 'Jungian fork' if you will, and just standing there scratching his ass for what seems an eternity, trying to decide anima/animus, yin/yang, left/right. So what you see here is the by-product of that age's old warfare between the light and dark side of mankind in the age of Kali Yuga.If any of the material written, used, or otherwise posted herein is found offensive, then please exercise the option to not view my page - the least one here is trying to change who he is, but the best I have to offer is an exit out to the better of the two here. I look at it like this - there is not one among us perfect, otherwise we wouldn't be here, so beware of casting judgment out on others because karma will inevitably bring it right back around on you. We all have dirty backyards that need cleaned up first. The difference is is that I just tore down the fence on my side so the neighbors could see in. We were born naked among the world, and naked we will return to our Lord to face our karma - it's the wheel, and I can't stop it, and you can't either. No entity, organization, or person other than myself is responsible for the postings made herein, or affiliated with the written content contained herein (except where expressed consent and approval are so noted.) Now that all of that necessity is out of the way...Poetry links are found below and to the right of center...the rest is simply shady ~
When I began this journey, I had no idea what it was I was seeking to convey...all I knew is I had had a driving desire to convey 'something'. Perhaps to leave a footprint to prove that I had been here, or words for my children to hold onto...I cannot be certain.
The beginning footfalls of this journey left behind a simple collection of my poetry...but I soon found that wasn't enough.
So at the encouragement of a couple of 'very good spirited' friends to keep up the writing, I thought I would incorporate a journal of my day to day existence, a catharsis if you will, to purge the racing, disconnected thoughts I have had since learning that I am faced with a progressive and potentially fatal illness.
"DaBinkey made copious notes of practically his every idle thought, in the belief that they were indecipherable by anyone but himself. Actually, their secrecy was assured by the fact that no one was remotely interested but himself" - from "Humans at Work" 1986.
So you, my journal, will give me someone to while away the hours with, someone to talk to when the house is still, or simply when the mind needs a friend. You journal, may also serve as case study to show the effects of the disease process, the bodily and mental capacities as they begin to extinguish, and the attempts at fighting back - a public display of the soul coming unraveled, as it were...a willing 'lab rat'; a living experiment is fine by us if it helps another family in the future to understand and cope.
Please take a moment to check out my poetry (links at upper right) if you would be so kind...who knows, maybe you'll find a smile, or a thought to ponder a while.
Is Said - Poet/Writer
Advance Party - author, peace activist and friend - check him out here
Sri Gandhiji
He's Walken
and he's in my head
Jumping Bull Ranch
If you have reasonable doubts about the integrity of our justice system, then extend those doubts to help free an innocent man
before he is all but forgotten - let him hold his Grandchildren as a free man before he goes to the spirit world.
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