Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Here We Go Again

I'll try to make this one short...partly because I am sick of the subject, and mainly because I am not feeling very well today...

Just one (1) day after 'Lame Duck' Bush gave a speech on God knows what (I really don't pay him that much attention anymore, but I caught just enough of it to make me ill), wherein he stated that we need to re-focus our emphasis on Afghanistan, and Al Qaeda, and the people behind 9/11....HOLY SHIT!! NO!!! ?? Did we get sidetracked somewhere from that 'original plan'? SAY IRAQ!!! What an imbecile....Jesus man, how many days left?? And I swear, if you look at his left eye (which I believe would be controlled by his right brain, or the creative, 'bullshit', lying side), you can see evil....not that the whole face does not say 'duh', but there is just something damned demented with that left eye...check it out for yourself.

Okay, so I digressed just a tad - so where was I? Oh yeah, one (1) day after that speech, and the news comes on today "BREAKING NEWS"...a phrase not so significant in and of itself in these days of TERROR!!! It's good copy, and it sells...but here it was again "Breaking News"..."Terror Alert!!!" Government says credible evidence of an Al Qaeda planned attack on New York subways during the Holiday Season........ah man, I'm tired and I don't feel good....anyway, you don't need anymore of this story to piece it together......check the link below, or Google any of the numerous links found on the Web based around the theory behind controlling society with the presence of fear and terror...Mr. Sulu, take us to 'Code Rainbow'....aye aye 'skipper'....ah yes, George Takei

PS: if I've botched the spelling, thinkology, or wordsmithing, etc., the repair will have to wait...I need to go lay down
"How our governments use terrorism to control us"
By Tim Howells
Online Journal Contributing Writer,

Nov 28, 2005, 13:55

The sponsorship of terrorism by western governments, targeting their own populations, has been a taboo subject. Although major scandals have received cursory coverage in the media, the subject has been allowed to immediately disappear without discussion or investigation. Therefore the appearance this year of two major studies of this subject is a welcome breakthrough, and provides essential reading for anyone struggling to understand the events of September 11, 2001 and the post September 11 world.
The studies are complementary. NATO's Secret Armies, Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe by Daniele Ganser concerns terrorism sponsored by American and British intelligence in Western Europe and Turkey between the end of World War II and 1985. The War on Truth, 9/11, Disinformation, and the Anatomy of Terrorism by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed chronicles the cultivation and sponsorship of militant Islamic terrorism by the intelligence services of the United States, Britain and Russia from 1979 to the present...[sic]

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